Three Popular Times of Day Stand Out for Meetups
Now that Meeting Planner and Simple Planner have been live for more than six months, I discovered that three particular meeting times are more popular than all the others.
People schedule 21% of meetings at 9 am, 22% at 11 am and 14.4% at 7 pm. Of course, the 7pm times are more likely social meet ups and dinners.
I designed Meeting Planner to eliminate the dreaded email chain that often accompanies trying to schedule to meet up with friends and colleagues. By design, Meeting Planner allows participants to collaboratively choose dates, times of day and places for meetings, reducing the number of back and forth emails.
It’s possible that by allowing people to choose more easily, that these three times emerged as most popular. Yet, I never expected there to be such common preferences for getting together.
Whereas days of week for meetings are more generally distributed:
Monday is most popular — perhaps people want to meet at the start of their weeks. And Saturday as well, likely for social meet ups.
While Meeting Planner and Simple Planner are still in preview mode, you can reliably schedule meetings and social meet ups with them.
If you are interested in building your own startup or generally interested in product design and development, follow our creation series at Envato Tuts+, Building Your Startup. The nearly fifty part series walks through imagining, designing, building and improving Meeting Planner and Simple Planner.
If you have questions about our products, please feel free to ask a question.