We’ve launched a world time converter to help you plan meeting times in various countries. For example, if you are planning a conference call for August 19th at 9:30 am and need to know what time that is in London and Dubai (it’s 5:30 pm BST and 8:30 pm GST), visit our time zone planner. It will show you times for 24 cities and it’s aware of seasonal time changes such as Daylight Savings Time.
Certainly there are other sites that do this but we think our service is easier and faster to use. We’ve also added a list of timezone abbreviations for easy access.
Of course, you may not know that Meeting Planner is timezone-aware. So, if you propose or plan a conference call with someone in another country at a specific time, Meeting Planner will translate the time for you. The website, our scheduling emails and downloadable calendar events are localized in each participant’s local time. Our planning service is also available in 24 languages, so each participant’s view is native for their experience.
In other words, if you plan conferences with Meeting Planner, you may not need to visit our time zone pages.